About Endless River

Hi, I'm Liz, writer of the Endless River blog.
Liz, writer of  Endless River blog.


Hi! I’m Liz,  the writer of the Endless River blog.

Stories of people conquering the odds to bring about good in the world have always thrilled and motivated me. Most of us are capable of much more than what we’ve dared to dream. What would happen if we took the limits off of what we have previously thought we could do? There is an Endless River of the Spirit of God flowing from His throne right now, and we are invited to tap into it!

There are few things I enjoy more than when I see the lights come on in someone’s eyes when hope is reborn, or faith is sparked, or a person begins to see that their true identity, as God created them, is greater than was ever imagined. Far too many people go through life settling for an existence that does not fulfill them, but it doesn’t need to stay that way. The Father God, the Creator of heaven and earth has designed us for so much more. It’s my hope that I can help you catch sight of the greater possibilities that you can be part of.

A little bit about me…

I’m a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, and friend, and while I love all these relationships, what defines me the most is that I’m the child of the King of Kings, who is the Author of this wonderful mystery called life.

I am a Christian; a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ from a young age. For many years, although I  was thankful to God for all He had done to save me, I served Him mainly out of a sense of duty, or fear.  I did not comprehend the great love He had for me, or that He would actually walk through life daily  with me. From the time His love  broke through to me…crashed down upon me …I’ve been forever changed. My identity, the way I see myself, and therefore my destiny is changed. It is my joy to help others into this new realization for themselves!